whose down for this
Please visit ANISLAND.cc for more info including info about how to host your own screening of An Island. please and thank you if you feeling it lets do this
Please visit ANISLAND.cc for more info including info about how to host your own screening of An Island. please and thank you if you feeling it lets do this
i used to see him killing all the walls n atlanta then id see him in the goldfinger office once in a blue moon always a killa no matter what country he is in and its awesum to see him still killing it props to TOTEM
yeah you ain’t alone out there and to all you artists let your little picasso out the bag man
cause today ours seems to feal like a summer day off the coast of cali with that cool breeze bringin in the cool
VDW Trailers / Guerilla from Felipe Ascacibar on Vimeo. watch that one then go watch the other 11 titles each could be a definition of the line your trying to catch
20 fuckin years chaps here’s to providing a soundtrack to my life and thank you for the haze
go watch this movie as altered as you can take it just do it and don’t ask questions to understand what im talking about go here: BUF and watch a highlight reel of some of the post production that went into this amazing piece of art