i present to you such great awesomness if you know some of my creative endeavors over the last 2-3 years {1 in particular} its fairly clear why it pains me… how did i never think of the lasers i got stuck, scared of the 70’s kitsch aesthetic that i started nearing never did i even […]
ASPHALT CPH: JUMBO – The fastest cat in town. from Director René Sascha Johannsen on Vimeo. damn danes
Once upon a time, being a “diehard fan” meant buying a band’s album, show ticket, T-shirt, limited edition signed LP — anything your earnings would allow. Today the term can have a very different meaning. You can be a “diehard” by blogging about everything the band puts out, posting links to your Facebook wall, re-Tweeting […]
damn i’m sold on this one fresh visuals big 4 on the floor nice artistic tone sign me up thats why he’s been on here before
genius futurist necessity as the youth visualize the flexible reality that we’ve achieved
The Dazzled Project is generative computer art project that simultaneously creates structures and sounds… COPT FROM PSFK